Why Mindfulness?

“Mindfulness connects us to our inner resourcefulness. It is the quality of being present in an aware, compassionate, welcoming way.”  

- Sarabsri

Mindfulness is ‘Living in the Present Moment’, paying attention to who we are, what we think, what we do and how it impacts the world around us.By connecting with the present just as it is, we develop an awareness of our thoughts, emotions and habitual behaviour patterns. Practicing mindfulness is all about consciously training ourselves to pay close attention to what is going on, within and without.Many of us go through life without living in the moment – living with past regrets, worrying about the future or judging how the present unfolds. Applying mindfulness forces us to think, helps us explore habitual patterns that have become a way of life and forces us to change the way we react to people and circumstances.

Why Mindfulness

Mindfulness is deeply effective and transformational. The benefits of mindfulness and its practice have been backed by strong research based evidence conducted over several years. Sarabsri’s body of work with people across diverse age groups has shown how mindfulness can have a significant impact on people suffering from stress, anxiety, diabetes, chronic depression, lack of concentration and other lifestyle induced ailments. Sarabsri has been conducting interactive workshops and curated therapies for children and adults over the last several years and have seen the below benefits:

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